Monday, May 17, 2010

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis happened in 1962, The soviets were putting nuclear missiles in Cuba. The U.S. had missiles in Turkey. The Soviet Union was sending ships in and out of Cuba with nuclear weapons on them so we sat up a quarantine to try and keep the weapons from getting into Cuba. Soviet Union and U.S. finally came to an agreement they would take the nuclear missiles out of Cuba and we would take the nuclear missiles out of Turkey.

Berlin Airlift

The Soviet Union quarantined East Berlin. Before the Berlin airlift the soviets didn't provide any food or fuel for East Berlin until the U.S. and G.B. started sending planes with food and fuel to East Berlin. The NATO alliance was formed. NATO stands for North, Atlantic, Treaty, Organization. This increased in fear of Soviet control, and the Cold War ends U.S. isolationism.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Commusism played a huge part in the Cold War. The Soviet Union had to tighten up their grip on the Eastern Front because they needed more communist countries. Soviet Union had Satellite Nations which were nations that were controlled by communist nations. Stalin which was the Soviet Unions leader during the cold war took over the satellite nations industries. Soviets were now a major threat to the U.S. North Korea was communist and West Berlin was a Satellite Nation.
Communist Government was corrupt, so the government controlled anything they could take your car if they needed it, they could take over the business and you could lose your job. Communism was spreading to China, Korea and other countries.

Friday, April 23, 2010


On October 4, 1957 Soviets used Inter Continental Ballistic Missals(ICBM) to launch Sputnik. Americans felt inferioir to the Soviets. America tries to improve schools. The Americans failed to attempt any american satellites. On January 31, 1958 the U.S. launches the first succesful satellite after Genevo.
The CIA makes a secret flight over the Soviet Union with U-2 to take pictures. The Soviet Union eventually finds out about the secret photos so Eisenhower wants to discontinue U-2 to allow the negotiations with Khrushev. Francis Gary Powers made one last U-2 flight on May 1, 1960, Powers was shot down by a Soviet Pilot taken prisoner. The U.S. found out that soviets lied, Eisenhower takes responsibility.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Examples of Cold War Tensions
Goals of spreading democracy, Stalin demands for territory. The U.S. industries boomed during the cold war. Soviets tightened there grip on the eastern front because they needed communists countries and Satellite Nations, Soviets took over their industries now it Capitalism verses Communism. The U.S and policy of containment. Soviets are now a major threat to the U.S. so President Truman began a new foreign policy containment. Soviet Union held West Berlin Hostage. The only way west berlin survived was becuase the United States and Great Britain helped them. The Cold War ends U.S. isolationism.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cold War

The cold war started during Harry S. Truman's presidency. Tension starts to mound while Stalin demands for territory, there were goals of spreading democracy. The U.S industry boomed during war. Soviets start to tighten grip on Eastern front because they needed communist countries. Truman began a new Foreign Policy which was containment. Soviets were now a big threat to the U.S. Superpowers tried to spread influence all over. The Marshall Plan was a plan to give struggling nations 12.5 billion dollars to try and keep away communists. Superpowers struggle over Germany, German unification was a major issue. The Berlin Airlift took place after the Soviet Union claimed of holding West Berlin Hostage. Before the United States and Great Brittan there was no food or fuel. The only way that West Berlin survived was because of the Berlin Airlift. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) increase in fear of Soviet control. The cold war ends during Eisenhower's Presidency and ends U.S. isolationism.